Biographical Sketch of Joseph Schmidt from the book: Past and Present of Platte County, Nebraska

An Excerpt from the book…

Past and Present of Platte County, Nebraska; A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement Volume 2

S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago

by G.W. Phillips

Joseph Schmidt is a representative of the lumber trade, having for seventeen years been connected with the yard in which he is now occupying a position of responsibility. He was born in Austria on the 27th of May, 1858, a son of Florian and Mary (Hurneich) Schmidt, who were also natives of that country. The father was a farmer, following that occupation in the old country, where he continued to cultivate land until his death. His wife passed away in 1868.

Joseph Schmidt was reared and educated in Austria, no event of special importance occurring to vary the routine of life for him until he reached the age of twenty years, when he left the parental roof and came to America, attracted by the favorable opportunities which he heard were offered in this country. He made his way across the country to Columbus and by team traveled to Humphrey, for there was then no railroad in the town. His financial condition rendered it imperative that he at once secure employment and for some time he worked out as a farm hand. In 1880 the work of building the Union Pacific Railroad was started and Mr. Schmidt became active in that connection, remaining as a representative of the company for eighteen years, acting as section foreman at different places. He finally tired of that and returned to Humphrey, where he entered the employ of H. Hunker & Brother, dealers in lumber. Since then the ownership of the yard has changed, the original firm having sold out to Weller Brothers. Mr. Schmidt has now been connected with this yard for seventeen years, a fact which indicates most clearly his fidelity, capability, and trustworthiness.

In November, 1881*, occurred the marriage of Mr. Schmidt and Miss Julia Franchel**, a daughter of John Franchel, a native of Austria in which country he spent his entire life. The mother died when Mrs. Schmidt was fourteen years of age and the father when she reached the age of twenty-eight. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have become the parents of ten children, Joseph, Carl, Frankie, Louis, Mary and Annie, all yet living; while Herman, John, Michael and Fred have passed away.

The parents are communicants of the Catholic church and for twenty years Mr. Schmidt has been a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters. He votes with the democratic party, believing its principles contain the best elements of good government. He has erected and now occupies a nice residence in Humphrey, where he is comfortably situated in life and where he maintains an unassailable reputation both as a business man and as a citizen.


* This is incorrect. They were married on November 7, 1879. This has been confirmed it the Nebraska State Index of Marriage Records. The wrong date here is a mystery. Either the interviewer confused him with someone else, took down the date incorrectly, or Joseph gave the wrong information. The book was published in 1915, so decades had passed and sometimes people even forget their anniversary. It has been known to happen to the best of us.

** Juliana’s maiden name is sometimes listed as “Franchel,” but her baptismal/birth document clearly states that her name is spelled “Franzel.” Other sources also concur on the “Franzel” spelling.

Excerpted from a Google scanned book:

Compiled and annotated by Adam Wunn (Great, Great Grandson of Joseph and Juliana Schmidt, 2015).